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The winds of TV ad spend are swirling. As brands rotate their dollars and strategy, linear TV spend declined 24% in 2020, while CTV experienced a 19% increase.¹ Linear still represents the majority of TV spend, but budgets are becoming more fragmented, making it more important than ever to understand unique TV audiences across screens to reduce double counting and prevent advertising waste.
With our Unified TV Report solution, advertisers gain a more complete view of their linear TV investment in relation to their digital buys across Yahoo DSP. The Unified TV Report offers advertisers enhanced analytics capabilities to understand and optimize key outcomes in their cross-channel strategy, including the incremental reach achieved by their CTV and other digital media through Yahoo as compared to their linear TV buy, overall frequency across linear and digital, as well as GRP (gross rating point) and cost per household metrics, which allow more comparable metrics between TV and digital campaign measurement.
In addition to granularity, the solution offers reliable inflight insights by combining Yahoo ConnectID, a persistent identifier for the cookieless world built on top of our proprietary identity graph, with trusted data from TV partners VIZIO and Nielsen, allowing unified analysis across linear and digital screens. Yahoo today reaches 148 million deterministic logged-in users in the U.S. across over 240 million unique profiles and over 400 million unique devices, fueled by both direct consumer relationships and partnerships.² Advertisers can now leverage the amplified impact of our consent-based identity graph with Inscape, VIZIO’s leading automated content recognition (ACR) data set of 19M+ smart TVs, and Nielsen’s demographic expertise grounded in its trusted TV panel.³
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, we’re building upon our relationship with VIZIO and Nielsen by developing a modernized audience reporting solution based on deterministic cross-device data matching.
The Unified TV Report completes our audience analytics suite of TV planning, activation, and reporting tools, including the Cross-Screen Planner, also in collaboration with Nielsen and now VIZIO. Advertisers will now have a more holistic approach to planning, activating and optimizing their overall TV investment on our platform, as well as the opportunity to understand how it compares against other advertising channels. For example, brands can now not only understand reach and frequency post-campaign, but also actively target and suppress Inscape audiences to ensure incremental reach, with advertisers seeing 6x more reach on hard-to-find light linear TV viewers than heavy linear TV viewers. They can also retarget across digital channels to usher consumers down the funnel.
Over a dozen advertisers beta tested the Unified TV Report, turning insights into action. On average, our CTV advertisers have seen double-digit incremental reach vs. linear TV (last 30 days).⁴ More specifically, a leading auto brand successfully applied learnings from its national Q4 campaign in 2020 to minimize overlap between linear and AVOD partners the following quarter. Meanwhile, a top CPG brand is fine-tuning its upcoming quarterly plans with a better understanding of frequency by publisher by leveraging our entire TV product toolkit.
The Unified TV Report, as with our core suite of measurement and analytics tools, is an added value for DSP clients, enabling advertisers to optimize their omnichannel media strategies in a holistic manner.
Let’s connect to get a more complete view of your linear TV investment.
1 IAB, 2 September 20. “2020/21 COVID Impact on Advertising Survey #6 Results: Light at the end of the tunnel.” IAB.com.
2, 4 Yahoo, Internal data, June 2021.
3 VIZIO, Internal data.